Tuesday, July 2, 2024

90 Day Weight Loss Challenge - Day 49 (7.2.2024)

90 Day Weight Loss Challenge (Video Archive)

Blaze Mordecai gives an update on Day 49 of his 90 Day Weight Loss Challenge.

90 Day Weight Loss Challenge - Day 49 (7.2.2024):

Friday, June 28, 2024

Blaze Mordecai Cancels All Recording Projects

Yesterday, on June 27th, 2024, Blaze Mordecai decided that he was canceling all of his recording projects. On our post from May 27th, 2024, called "Major Recording Issues; Sessions Stalled," he mentioned that he had been recording for 10 months straight very intensely, and sadly, all of that music had to be disregarded as the audio quality wasn't loud enough. His goal was then to buy a new multi-track recorder, the Tascam DP24SD, and this recorder was just too complicated to understand. He had to study video tutorials on YouTube for 6 hours just to get started, and unfortunately, his music kept getting deleted for no known reason. The recording sessions have just become stressful and not fun. So, Blaze Mordecai has announced that he is calling off all recording sessions for the unforseen future. He is discouraged and burned out, as far as recording goes. So, he is taking a very long break.

Blaze Mordecai and a few other musicians were planning to create music videos too for these albums and the music he was recording, but all recordings and music videos were cancelled. Blaze will now focus solely on doing live concerts and has no interest in doing any more recordings at this time. It's time to take a break. If it's stressful, then that's not the energy I want to expend on it.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

90 Day Weight Loss Challenge - Day 42 (6.25.2024)

90 Day Weight Loss Challenge (Video Archive)

So far, Blaze Mordecai has lost 24lbs, 6% body fat, and gained 2% muscle in only 6 weeks. He is very determined and very proud of his accomplishments. He will begin playing concerts very soon, so he is working on getting in better shape and losing unnecessary body fat. Watch the video below for his latest update as he documents his progress.

90 Day Weight Loss Challenge - Day 42 (6.25.2024):

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

90 Day Weight Loss Challenge - Day 35 (6.18.2024)

90 Day Weight Loss Challenge (Video Archive)

Blaze Mordecai continues to slay the dragons of obesity and bad health. His goal is to crucify every dark force in his reality, and he's doing exactly that. Last week, on Day 30, Blaze had been stuck in a weight loss plateau for 9 days straight. So, he decided to go hardcore into a 7-day water fast, and it certainly paid off. He broke through the plateau quickly and effortlessly. You can see his newest weight loss in the video below. Thank you all so much for visiting our website! We really appreciate it, and this is only the beginning.

90 Day Weight Loss Challenge - Day 35 (6.18.2024):

Thursday, June 13, 2024

90 Day Weight Loss Challenge - Day 30 (6.13.2024)

90 Day Weight Loss Challenge (Video Archive)

Blaze Mordecai hits Day 30 of his 90 Day Weight Loss Challenge. Check out his awesome results from his first 30 days. He will return with an update on Tuesday, June 18th, 2024, which will be on Day 35. See you then!

90 Day Weight Loss Challenge - Day 30 (6.13.2024):

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

90 Day Weight Loss Challenge - Day 21 (6.4.2024)

90 Day Weight Loss Challenge (Video Archive)

Blaze Mordecai has done it again. He has lost a considerable amount of weight again this past week. Watch the video below to see his incredible results.

You can achieve anything you put your mind to. Old habits give us old results; new habits give us new results. Don't ever let anyone tell you what you're capable of!!! See you next Thursday, June 13th, 2024, on Day 30 of his 90-day weight loss challenge.

90 Day Weight Loss Challenge - Day 21 (6.4.2024):

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

90 Day Weight Loss Challenge - Day 14 (5.28.2024)

90 Day Weight Loss Challenge (Video Archive)

Blaze Mordecai continues to make massive progress on his 90 day weight loss journey. The numbers he's been getting the last 2 weeks have been phenomenal. Check out his amazing results in the video below. See you next time on day 21!!

90 Day Weight Loss Challenge - Day 14 (5.28.2024):

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Major Recording Issues; Sessions Stalled

Blaze Mordecai has been extremely busy recording many albums since August 2023. When preparing to master three recording tracks, Blaze began having problems with his multi-track recorder. The final mastered tracks simply aren't loud enough when compared to famous music tracks. They are nowhere near loud enough. He's tried everything to get the recordings louder, but nothing is working.

The multi-track recorder he has been using since 2019 has been having major problems for some time now. The recorder is nearing death, and unfortunately, this is creating a major problem pertaining to him doing live concerts in 2024 as well. Now everything is up in the air at this point.

Blaze will be forced to start all of his recordings over again, except for the drum tracks. Thankfully, the drum tracks won't need to be re-recorded. He will be buying new recording equipment in June and then starting the recording process all over again. Recording sessions are expected to resume in the 3rd week of June 2024.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

90 Day Weight Loss Challenge - Day 7 (5.21.2024)

90 Day Weight Loss Challenge (Video Archive)

Blaze Mordecai has attracted some amazing results in his first week of his 90 day weight loss challenge. His goal is to lose 50lbs in 90 days. Check out the new video below! See you again next week on Day 14!!

90 Day Weight Loss Challenge - Day 7 (5.21.2024):

Friday, May 17, 2024

90 Day Weight Loss Challenge - Day 4 (5.18.2024)

90 Day Weight Loss Challenge (Video Archive)

Here is today's 90 Day Weight Loss Challenge update from Blaze Mordecai. His next video and weigh in will be taking place on Tuesday, May 21, 2024 on Day 7. Thank you for visiting our website.

90 Day Weight Loss Challenge - Day 4 (5.18.2024):

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

90 Day Weight Loss Challenge - Day 1 (5.14.2024)

90 Day Weight Loss Challenge (Video Archive)

Today, this video documents Blaze Mordecai's Weigh In for Day 1 of his 90 Day Weight Loss Challenge. His next video will be posted on May 18th 2024 on Day 4. He's going to lose 50lbs in 90 days. Stay tuned!

"90 Day Weight Loss Challenge - Day 1" (5.14.2024):

Monday, May 13, 2024

New Music Coming Online Soon Update

In our blog post from April 10th, 2024, recent blog posts include "Concert Updates and New Music Coming Online Soon", he said that new Music would be coming online soon. If you don't already know, Blaze Mordecai has been recording several albums simultaneously since August 2023. The music sounds excellent. However, he has been having some issues during the mixdown phase of his recordings. He is studying a lot on how to correct these issues so that he can create a very high quality master recording. Blaze is currently planning to release three songs in the near future, but that won't happen until he fixes these audio issues. So, just be aware that the music is coming in due time.

Blaze turned off his internet 8 months ago in order to putting all of his focus on his music recording projects. He is currently very limited in getting the information he needs to fix these issues. He's getting the internet back in June 2024 so that he will always have a world of information at his fingertips. Thats the update for now.

Sunday, May 12, 2024

90 Day Weight Loss Challenge Begins May 14th, 2024

90 Day Weight Loss Challenge (Video Archive)

This website is not only going to be about my music and my singing but also my tips on weight loss, seeing as I've already lost 200 pounds to date. I'm about to start a 90-day weight loss challenge on May 14th, 2024, where I will lose 50 pounds. The video below is my first YouTube video. During this 90 day weight loss challenge, I will post at least 1–2 videos per week during the 90 days. Check out the new video below. I will post again on Tuesday, May 14th, 2024, on the first day of this 90 day weight loss challenge.

"90 Day Weight Loss Challenge Begins May 14th, 2024" (Video):

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Concert Updates / New Music Coming Online Soon

It has been one month since our last update. In our previous post, "Blaze Mordecai Takes Leave From Social Media," it was stated that Blaze Mordecai would begin concerts in June 2024. That could still happen, but as of right now, it seems very unlikely.

"I've seen many challenges present themselves in my reality since I began this huge music recording project in August 2023. I've stayed positive to the best of my ability for the most part. The original plan was to begin concerts in June 2024. However, my "Stomach Surgery" in January 2024 set me back a few months. Through February and March 2024, I experienced many setbacks, including receiving bad music equipment, which caused issues and more delays. I still have a lot of recording to do until I can play my first concert. So, rather than stress myself out, I've decided to accept the situation and be at peace with it. Eventually, when all of this music is done, I will be able to play solo concerts for the rest of my life. I won't mention a concert start date again until I know 100% that everything is ready to go and concert dates are already booked. The bottom line is that I'm working very hard to reach my future goals.

Some of my new recordings will definitely be coming online in the near future, as I will need to have music online for the venue owners to hear. I'm currently recording three albums simultaneously. I'm nearly finished with the first album. The second album is 80% complete. I'm very proud of all of this music that I've recorded, and I have many great things planned for it." Said Blaze Mordecai.

That's the update for this month, and we will post another update in one month.
Thank you for visiting our website.

Sunday, March 10, 2024

Blaze Mordecai Takes Leave From Social Media

Blaze Mordecai's social media was hacked and deleted a few weeks ago. He has decided to just take a leave of absence from social media for the time being. He also apologizes to any of his online friends that he has lost contact with as a result. It was beyond his control. Anyone can feel free to email him if they want to reconnect: blazemordecai@yahoo.com.

Blaze has been extremely busy recording new music since August 2023. He is currently preparing to begin concerts starting in June 2024. That is the current update for now.

Friday, February 23, 2024

Blaze Mordecai Resumes Recording New Music

Blaze Mordecai is recovering nicely from his "Stomach Surgery," which took place on January 22, 2024. During that time, he wasn't able to record any new music or work towards his goals at all. However, after 4 weeks of recovery from surgery, he is now recording vocal tracks for all of his new music tracks, which will be released later in time. No release date has been announced.

Monday, February 12, 2024

Blaze Mordecai Stomach Surgery Recovery Update

It was announced here on the website that Blaze Mordecai would be undergoing major stomach surgery on January 22, 2024. The surgery went great, and there were no issues.
Blaze was released from the hospital 3 hours after his surgery.

Today is exactly 3 weeks since he had stomach surgery, and he is still in recovery. He had a ton of bleeding during and after surgery, which required him to have blood drainage tubes inserted into each one of his groins in order to not die from internal bleeding. His blood drainage tubes were taken out on February 8th, 2024.

Blaze's doctor told him that his recovery time would be 6–8 weeks in total. Blaze will be seeing his doctor again next week, on February 20th, 2024, so that the doctor can see his recovery and check on his wounds.

Blaze has been having a very difficult time sleeping, as he is forced to sleep only on his back or sitting up in a chair. This is a requirement in order to not damage the areas of the subject that were stitched up after surgery. That's the newest update for now.

Blaze Mordecai currently can't play guitar because he can't have anything pressing against his stomach. However, he will begin recording vocal tracks for all of his new recordings beginning on February 13th, 2024. More news will be coming in time.

Saturday, January 13, 2024

Blaze Mordecai Having Major Stomach Surgery Soon

Blaze Mordecai has been experiencing some difficult stomach issues as of late, and he is scheduled to go in for major stomach surgery on January 22, 2024. The full website launch date will be pushed back as a result. Also, the original plan was for Blaze to begin concerts in April 2024, but with this surgery, it seems highly unlikely at this point, seeing as it's a 6–8 week recovery process. So, the start date may be pushed back to June 2024. However, things are going great with all of the new music Blaze Mordecai has been recording since August 2023.

Prayers are very much needed at this time and would be greatly appreciated. Blaze Mordecai has some very positive goals planned for 2024 that will help a lot of people in their lives. So, we are asking you to pray for him and his healthy recovery. Thank you very much for reading!

90 Day Weight Loss Challenge - Day 49 (7.2.2024)

90 Day Weight Loss Challenge (Video Archive) Blaze Mordecai gives an update on Day 49 of his 90 Day Weight Loss Challenge. 90 Day Weight Los...