Tuesday, June 18, 2024

90 Day Weight Loss Challenge - Day 35 (6.18.2024)

90 Day Weight Loss Challenge (Video Archive)

Blaze Mordecai continues to slay the dragons of obesity and bad health. His goal is to crucify every dark force in his reality, and he's doing exactly that. Last week, on Day 30, Blaze had been stuck in a weight loss plateau for 9 days straight. So, he decided to go hardcore into a 7-day water fast, and it certainly paid off. He broke through the plateau quickly and effortlessly. You can see his newest weight loss in the video below. Thank you all so much for visiting our website! We really appreciate it, and this is only the beginning.

90 Day Weight Loss Challenge - Day 35 (6.18.2024):

90 Day Weight Loss Challenge - Day 49 (7.2.2024)

90 Day Weight Loss Challenge (Video Archive) Blaze Mordecai gives an update on Day 49 of his 90 Day Weight Loss Challenge. 90 Day Weight Los...