Tuesday, June 25, 2024

90 Day Weight Loss Challenge - Day 42 (6.25.2024)

90 Day Weight Loss Challenge (Video Archive)

So far, Blaze Mordecai has lost 24lbs, 6% body fat, and gained 2% muscle in only 6 weeks. He is very determined and very proud of his accomplishments. He will begin playing concerts very soon, so he is working on getting in better shape and losing unnecessary body fat. Watch the video below for his latest update as he documents his progress.

90 Day Weight Loss Challenge - Day 42 (6.25.2024):

90 Day Weight Loss Challenge - Day 49 (7.2.2024)

90 Day Weight Loss Challenge (Video Archive) Blaze Mordecai gives an update on Day 49 of his 90 Day Weight Loss Challenge. 90 Day Weight Los...